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Clone Mediator

The Clone Mediator can be used to clone a message into several messages. It resembles the Scatter-Gather enterprise integration pattern. The Clone mediator is similar to the Iterate mediator. The difference between the two mediators is that the Iterate mediator splits a message into different parts, whereas the Clone mediator makes multiple identical copies of the message.


To get the asynchronous behavior you have to have the sequence to inject the message context to that sequence asynchronously. You can not achieve that by adding the endpoint itself to the target without adding the sequence.


<clone [continueParent=(true | false)]>
   <target [to="uri"] [soapAction="qname"] [sequence="sequence_ref"] [endpoint="endpoint_ref"]>


The parameters available to configure the Clone mediator is as follows.

Parameter Name Description
Clone ID Identification of messages created by the clone mediator. This is particularly useful when aggregating responses of messages that are created using nested Clone mediators.
Sequential Mediation

This parameter is used to specify whether the cloned messages should be processed sequentially or not. The processing is carried based on the information relating to the sequence and endpoint specified in the target configuration. The possible values are as follows.

  • Yes: If this is selected, the cloned messages will be processed sequentially. Note that selecting True might cause delays due to high resource consumption.
  • No: If this is selected, the cloned messages will not be processed sequentially. This is the default value and it results in better performance.
Continue Parent

This parameter is used to specify whether the original message should be preserved or not. Possible values are as follows.

  • Yes: If this is selected, the original message will be preserved.
  • No: If this is selected, the original message will be discarded. This is the default value.
Number of Clones

The parameter indicates the number of targets which currently exist for the Clone mediator. Click Add Clone Target to add a new target. Each time you add a target, it will be added as a child of the Clone mediator in the mediator tree as shown below.

Click Target to add the target configuration as described below.

Target configuration

The parameters available to configure the target are as follows.

Parameter Name Description
SOAP Action The SOAP action of the message.
To Address The target endpoint address.

This parameter is used to specify whether cloned messages should be mediated via a sequence or not, and to specify the sequence if they are to be further mediated. Possible options are as follows.

  • None: If this is selected, no further mediation will be performed for the cloned messages.
  • Anonymous: If this is selected, you can define an anonymous sequence for the cloned messages by adding the required mediators as children to Target in the mediator tree.
  • Pick From Registry: If this is selected, you can refer to a predefined sequence that is currently saved as a resource in the registry. Click either Configuration Registry or Governance Registry as relevant to select the required sequence from the resource tree.

The endpoint to which the cloned messages should be sent. Possible options are as follows.

  • None : If this is selected, the cloned messages are not sent to an endpoint.
  • Anonymous : If this is selected, you can define an anonymous endpoint within the iterate target configuration to which the cloned messages should be sent. Click the Add link which appears after selecting this option to add the anonymous endpoint.
  • Pick from Registry : If this is selected, you can refer to a predefined endpoint that is currently saved as a resource in the registry. Click either Configuration Registry or Governance Registry as relevant to select the required endpoint from the resource tree.


In this example, the Clone Mediator clones messages and redirects them to a Default endpoint and an existing sequence.

<clone xmlns="">
      <endpoint name="endpoint_urn_uuid_73A47733EB1E6F30812921609540392-849227072">
         <default />
   <target sequence="test1" />