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File Connector Reference

The following configurations allow you to work with the File Connector version 4.

Connection configurations

The File connector can be used to deal with two types of file systems:

  • Local File System: A file system of the server where the WSO2 integration runtime is deployed.
  • Remote File System: A file system outside the server where the WSO2 integration runtime is deployed. There are few industry standard protocols established to expose a file system over TCP. Following protocols are supported by the File connector.

    • FTP
    • FTPS
    • SFTP
    • SMB2

There are different connection configurations that can be used for the above protocols. They contain a common set of configurations and some additional configurations specific to the protocol.

types of file connections


The File connector internally uses the Apache VFS Library. According to the selected connection type, the following VFS connection URLs will be generated.

[file://] absolute-path
file:///C:/Documents and Settings
ftp://[ username[: password]@] hostname[: port][ relative-path]
ftps://[ username[: password]@] hostname[: port][ absolute-path]
sftp://[ username[: password]@] hostname[: port][ relative-path]
smb2://[ username[: password]@] hostname[: port][ relative-path]


There are instances where errors occur when using .csv files and the output is encoded. To overcome this, add the following configuration to the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml file.

content_type = "text/csv"
class = "org.apache.axis2.format.PlainTextFormatter"

content_type = "text/csv"
class = "org.apache.axis2.format.PlainTextBuilder"

Also, you need to modify your proxy service as indicated below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence name="proxyDeployingSeq" trace="disable" xmlns="">
    <property name="slotNumber" value="1"/>
    <property expression="get-property(&quot;SYSTEM_DATE&quot;, &quot;mm&quot;)" name="currentMin" scope="default" type="STRING"/>
    < configKey="slotFileConnection">
        <readMode>Specific Line</readMode>
        <includeResultTo>Message Property</includeResultTo>
    <log level="custom">
        <property name="slott" expression="get-property('slotNumber')"/>

Common configs to all connection types

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
Connection Name name String A unique name to identify the connection. - Yes
Connection Type connectionType String The protocol used for communicating with the file system.
Possible values:
  • Local: Provides access to the files on the local physical file system.
  • FTP: Provides access to the files on an FTP server.
  • FTPS: Provides access to the files on an FTP server over SSL.
  • SFTP: Provides access to the files on an SFTP server (that is, an SSH or SCP server).
  • SMB2: Provides access to the files on a Samba server.
- Yes
Working Directory workingDir String This is the working directory. The file paths in operations, which are associated with the connection, should be provided relative to this folder.
Note: As per VFS documentation, for windows, the working directory of local connections should be as follows: /C:/Documents.
Defaults to file system root. No
File Locking Behaviour fileLockScheme String Specify whether to acquire node-specific lock (Local) or cluster-wide lock (Cluster) when locks are acquired in read and write operations.
  • Local
    When a lock is acquired, it is acquired within the context of file operations performed by that server node only. Local lock acquired by some file operation on a particular server node is not visible to the other server nodes that may access the same file system.
  • Cluster
    When multiple server nodes access the same file system performing read and write operations, you may use this behaviour. Here, when a file lock is acquired, it is visible to all file connector operations across the nodes. This is acquired by creating a .lock file in the same file system (for the file that is being accessed). The behaviour depends on the OS and the file system. Therefore, this feature may not work as intended in high-concurrent scenarios.
File locking is available for read and write operations. When enabled, a file specific lock is acquired before the operation and released after the operation. Parallel read/write operations are restricted when locking is enabled by a file operation.
Local Yes

Common remote connection configs

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
Host host String Host name of the file server. - Yes
Port port Number The port number of the file server - Yes
Username username String The username used to connect with the file server. If the username contains special characters, you will need to use the URL encoded value. - No
Password password String The password to connect with the file server. If the password contains special characters, you will need to use the URL encoded value. - No
User Directory Is Root userDirIsRoot Boolean If set to false (default), VFS will choose the file system's root as the VFS's root. If you want to have the user's home as the VFS root, then set this to 'true'. false No

FTP/FTPS-specific configs

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
Is Passive isPassive Boolean If passive mode is enabled, set this to 'true'.

Note the following about 'Active/Passive' mode:
  1. Active Mode: The client starts listening on a random port for incoming data connections from the server (the client sends the FTP command PORT to inform the server on which port it is listening). Nowadays, the client is typically behind a firewall (e.g. built-in Windows firewall) or NAT router (e.g. ADSL modem), unable to accept incoming TCP connections. The passive mode was introduced and is heavily used for this reason.
  2. Passive Mode: In the passive mode, the client uses the control connection to send a PASV command to the server and then receives a server IP address and server port number from the server, which the client then uses to open a data connection to the server IP address and server port number received.
true No
FTP Connection Timeout ftpConnectionTimeout Number Specify the timeout in milliseconds for the initial control connection. 100000 No
FTP Socket Timeout ftpSocketTimeout Number Specify the socket timeout in milliseconds for the FTP client. 150000 No

FTPS-specific configs

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
KeyStore Path keyStorePath String The keystore path. - No
KeyStore Password keyStorePassword String The password to the keystore. - No
TrustStore Path trustStorePath String The truststore path. - Yes
TrustStore Password trustStorePassword String The password to the truststore. - Yes
Implicit Mode Enabled implicitModeEnabled Boolean Set this to 'true' if implicit mode is enabled.
  • Implicit: The TLS ClientHello message should be initiated by client.
  • Explicit: The client must "explicitly request" security from an FTPS server.
false No
Channel Protection Level channelProtectionLevel String The FTP Data Channel protection level. Possible values: C,S,E,P.
Example: Sends a “PROT P” command when implicit SSL is enabled.

SFTP connection configs

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
SFTP Connection Timeout sftpConnectionTimeout Number The Jsch connection timeout in milli seconds. - No
SFTP Session Timeout sftpSessionTimeout Number The Jsch session timeout in milli seconds. 100000 No
Strict Host Key Check strictHostKeyChecking Boolean Specifies whether the Host key should be checked. If set to 'true', the connector (JSch) will always verify the public key (fingerprint) of the SSH/SFTP server. false No
Private Key File privateKeyFilePath String Path to the private key file.

Note: You can only use a key generated in a classic manner (ssh-keygen -m PEM).
false No
Private Key Passphrase privateKeyPassword String The passphrase of the private key. The security of a key (even if encrypted) is retained because it is not available to anyone else. You can specify the passphrase when generating keys. false No
File System Permission Check setAvoidPermission Boolean Set to true if you want to skip the file permission check.
Available in file-connector v4.0.9 and above.
false No


The following SFTP connection parameters are available in File Connector version 4.0.21 and later.


The WSO2 File Connector uses connection pooling for enhanced performance. It uses the Apache Commons Pool as the base framework for connection pooling. For detailed information on the pooling mechanism, refer to the Apache Commons Pool documentation. The following parameters can be used to fine-tune the connection pool according to your requirements.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
Connection Pool Aged Timeout sftpPoolConnectionAgedTimeout Integer Interval to close connections in the connection pool in seconds. Never No
Max Active Connections maxActiveConnections Integer The maximum number of connections (including both idle and active/borrowed) that can exist within the pool at a given time. 8 No
Max Idle Connections maxIdleConnections Integer The maximum number of connections that can remain idle in the pool at any time, awaiting to be borrowed. Excess idle objects may be removed. 8 No
Max Wait Time maxWaitTime Integer This parameter determines how long the connector is willing to wait in the queue for a connection to become available. If the wait time exceeds the configured maximum wait time, the pool may throw an exception when it is exhausted and no connections are available. indefinite (wait forever) No
Eviction Check Interval evictionCheckInterval Integer This parameter specifies how frequently the evictor thread scans the pool for idle connections eligible for eviction. By configuring this interval, developers can control the frequency of resource checks, optimizing performance without unnecessary overhead. Eviction doesn't run if this isn't defined. No
Min Eviction Time minEvictionTime Integer Connections in the pool must remain idle for at least this specified duration before the evictor considers them for removal. This ensures that only connections inactive beyond a defined threshold are evicted, preventing premature eviction of frequently used resources. Eviction doesn't run if this and evictionCheckInterval aren't defined. No
Exhausted Action exhaustedAction String Determines the action to take when the borrowObject() method is called, but the pool is exhausted. WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK No

SMB connection configs


The following SMB connection parameters are available in File Connector version 4.0.26 and later.


  • The WSO2 File Connector uses connection pooling for enhanced performance. It uses the Apache Commons Pool as the base framework for connection pooling. For detailed information on the pooling mechanism, refer to the Apache Commons Pool documentation. The following parameters can be used to fine-tune the connection pool according to your requirements.
  • SMB2 servers will close idle connections forcefully based on their configurations. In such cases, the Micro Integrator may throw connection errors. To avoid these errors, you can fine-tune the connection eviction configurations to remove idle connections from the pool.
Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
Connection Pool Aged Timeout sftpPoolConnectionAgedTimeout Integer Interval to close connections in the connection pool in seconds. Never No
Max Active Connections maxActiveConnections Integer The maximum number of connections (including both idle and active/borrowed) that can exist within the pool at a given time. 8 No
Max Idle Connections maxIdleConnections Integer The maximum number of connections that can remain idle in the pool at any time, awaiting to be borrowed. Excess idle objects may be removed. 8 No
Max Wait Time maxWaitTime Integer This parameter determines how long the connector is willing to wait in the queue for a connection to become available. If the wait time exceeds the configured maximum wait time, the pool may throw an exception when it is exhausted and no connections are available. indefinite (wait forever) No
Eviction Check Interval evictionCheckInterval Integer This parameter specifies how frequently the evictor thread scans the pool for idle connections eligible for eviction. By configuring this interval, developers can control the frequency of resource checks, optimizing performance without unnecessary overhead. Eviction doesn't run if this isn't defined. No
Min Eviction Time minEvictionTime Integer Connections in the pool must remain idle for at least this specified duration before the evictor considers them for removal. This ensures that only connections inactive beyond a defined threshold are evicted, preventing premature eviction of frequently used resources. Eviction doesn't run if this and evictionCheckInterval aren't defined. No
Exhausted Action exhaustedAction String Determines the action to take when the borrowObject() method is called, but the pool is exhausted. WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK No
Enable Encryption enableEncryption Boolean Determines whether to enable data encryption. This needs to be enabled when connecting to an SMB server that enforces encryption.
Available in file-connector v4.0.34 and above.
false No


The following operations allow you to work with the File Connector version 4. Click an operation name to see parameter details and samples on how to use it.


Creates a new folder in a provided directory path.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Directory Path directoryPath String The new directory path. - Yes

Sample configuration

<file.createDirectory configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.




Check if a given file or folder exists.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
File/Folder Path path String The new directory path that should be scanned. - Yes

Sample configuration

<file.checkExist configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.




Archives a file or a directory.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Folder/File To Compress sourceDirectoryPath String The path to the folder that should be compressed. - Yes
Targer File Path targetFilePath String The path to the compressed file that will be created. If the file already exists, it is overwritten. - Yes
Include Sub Directories includeSubDirectories Boolean Specifies whether the sub folders in the original folder should be included in the compressed file. true No

Sample configuration

<file.compress configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.





   <detail>File or directory to compress does not exist</detail>

Copies the file or folder specified by a source path to a target path. The source can be a file or a folder. If it is a folder, the copying is recursive.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Source Path sourcePath String The path to the file that should be copied. - Yes
Targer Path targetPath String The location (folder) to which the file should be copied.
If the target folder does not exist at the time of copy, a new folder is created.
- Yes
Source File Pattern sourceFilePattern String The file name pattern of the source file. Example: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*.(txt|xml|jar) - No
Copy Including Source Parent includeParent Boolean Specify whether the parent folder should be copied from the file source along with the content. By default, only the content inside the folder will get copied. false No
Overwrite Existing Files overwrite Boolean Specifies whether or not to overwrite the file if the same file already exists in the target destination. false No
Rename To renameTo String The new name of the copied file. Original file name. No
Max Retries maxRetries Integer The maximum number of retries to be done in case of a failure. 0 No
Retry Interval
retryDelay Integer The time interval between retries in milliseconds. 0 No

Sample configuration

<file.copy configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.





   <detail>Destination file already exists and overwrite not allowed</detail>

Moves the file or folder specified by the source path to the target directory. The source can be a file or a folder. If it is a folder, the moving is recursive.

The move operation can only move a file/folder within the same server. For example, you can move a file/folder from one local location to another local location, or from one remote location to another remote location on the same server. You cannot use the move operation to move a file/folder between different servers.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Source Path sourcePath String The path to the file that should be copied. - Yes
Targer Path targetPath String The location to which the file should be copied. - Yes
Create Parent Directories createParentDirectories Boolean Specifies whether the parent directory should be created if it doesn't already exist in the target folder. - No
Include Parent includeParent Boolean Specify whether the parent folder should be copied from the file source along with the content. false No
Overwrite Existing Files overwrite Boolean Specifies whether or not to overwrite the file if the same file already exists in the target destination. false No
Rename To renameTo String The new name of the moved files. Original file name. No
File Pattern filePattern String The pattern (regex) of the files to be moved.
Example: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*.(txt|xml|jar).
Available in file-connector v4.0.5 and above
- No
Is Source Mounted isSourceMounted Boolean Whether the source path is a mounted path or not. false No
Is Target Mounted isTargetMounted Boolean Whether the target path is a mounted path or not. false No

Sample configuration

<file.move configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.





   <detail>Destination file already exists and overwrite not allowed</detail>

Reads the content and metadata of a file at a given path. Metadata of the file is added as properties while content is set to the message body (or optionally to a message context property).

Known message properties representing file properties:

Parameter Name Type Description Default Value Required
FILE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME DateTime The time at which the file was last modified. - Yes
FILE_SIZE Number The file size (in bytes). - Yes
FILE_IS_DIR Boolean Specifies whether a folder directory is represented as the file. false Yes
FILE_PATH String The file path. - Yes
FILE_URL String The VFS URL of the file. - Yes
FILE_NAME String The file name or folder name. - Yes
FILE_NAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION String The file name without the extension. - Yes


  • When reading a folder, the first file that matches the pattern will be read first. Note that sub directories are not scanned. If you need to move or delete the file before reading the folder again, use the FILE_NAME context variable.
  • The MIME type (content-type) of the message is determined by the file extension (i.e an XML file will be read as a message with the application/xml MIME type). However, users can force the MIME type by the ContentType parameter. Similarly, the Encoding parameter can be used to force the encoding.
  • You can set EnableLock to true to enable file system lock until the reading is completed and the stream is closed.
  • When large files are read, use streaming=true. Note that you need to first make necessary changes in the deployment.toml. The ContentType parameter also needs to be application/binary. Note that file reading modes are not applicable when streaming is set to true. The complete file is always streamed.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
File Path path String The path to the file that should be read. - Yes
File Pattern filePattern String Regex The file name pattern that should be matched when reading the file. All text files (.*.txt) No
Add Result To includeResultTo String Specify where to add the result of the file that is read.
  • Message Body
  • Message Property: The payload that was in the message body before applying the file read operation will remain intact.
- No
Property Name resultPropertyName String If Add Result To==Message Property, you need to specify this value. Result of the file read operation will be added as a default scope property by the specified name. This can now be accessed later in the flow. - No
Read Mode readMode String Available file reading modes: Complete File, Between Lines, Starting From Line, Up To Line, and Specific Line. Complete File. Yes
Start Line Num startLineNum Number Starts reading the file from the specified line. 1 No
End Line Num endLineNum Number Reads the file upto the specified line. Last line of file. No
Specific Line number lineNum Number Specific line to read. When the reading mode is Specific Line. No
MIMEType contentType String Content type of the message set to the payload by this operation Determined by the file extension. No
Encoding encoding String Encoding of the message set to the payload by this operation. UTF-8 No
Enable Streaming enableStreaming Boolean Specifies whether or not streaming is used to read the file without any interpretation of the content. false No
Enable Locking enableLock Boolean Specifies whether or not to lock the file. false No
Max Retries maxRetries Integer The maximum number of retries to be done in case of a failure. 0 No
Retry Interval
retryDelay Integer The time interval between retries in milliseconds. 0 No

Sample configuration

< configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.

        "readMode":"Complete File"


This is line one.
This is line two.
This is line three.
This is line four.
This is line five.
This is line six.
This is line seven.
This is line eight.
This lis line nine.
This is line ten.

Full Log

[2020-10-06 06:01:44,083]  INFO {LogMediator} - {api:TestAPI} To: /filetest, MessageID: urn:uuid:7ab557c0-f9cb-4cf6-9c7b-f06a4640522a, Direction: request, message = After Read, FILE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME = 10/06/2020 05:46:39, FILE_SIZE = 30, FILE_IS_DIR = false, FILE_NAME = test1.txt, FILE_PATH = /wso2/test, FILE_URL = file:///Users/hasitha/temp/file-connector-test/wso2/test/test1.txt, FILE_NAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION = test1, Envelope: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""><soapenv:Body><text xmlns="">This is test1.txt file content</text></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>


   <detail>File or folder not found: file:///Users/hasitha/temp/file-connector-test/wso2/test/abcd.txt</detail>

Rename a file in a specified path. The new name cannot contain path separators.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Path path String The path to the file that should be renamed. - Yes
Rename To renameTo String The file's new name. - Yes
Overwrite Existing Files overwrite Boolean Specifies whether or not to overwrite the file in the target directory (if the same file exists). false No

Sample configuration

<file.rename configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.





   <detail>Destination file already exists and overwrite not allowed</detail>

Deletes the files matching in a given directory.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
File/Directory Path path String The path to the file/folder that should be deleted. - Yes
Pattern to Match Files matchingPattern String The pattern that should be matched when listing files. This does not operate recursively on sub folders. All files. No
Max Retries maxRetries Integer The maximum number of retries to be done in case of a failure. 0 No
Retry Interval
retryDelay Integer The time interval between retries in milliseconds. 0 No

Sample configuration

<file.delete configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.



For a single file:


For a folder:


Unzip a specified file to a given location. If a folder with the same name exists, it is overwritten.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Zip File Path sourceFilePath String The path to the ZIP file that should be unzipped. - Yes
Target Directory targetDirectory String The location (folder) to which the ZIP file should be unzipped. - Yes

NOTE: The latest File connector (v4.0.7 onwards) supports decompressing the .gz files.

Sample configuration

<file.unzip configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.




On Error

   <detail>File not found: file:///Users/hasitha/temp/file-connector-test/wso2/</detail>

JSON equivalent:

   "unzipFileResult": {
       "success": false,
       "code": 700102,
       "detail": "File not found: file:///Users/hasitha/temp/file-connector-test/wso2/"

Splits a file into multiple smaller files.

  • If the folder does not exist, it will be created.
  • If the folder has files, they will be overwritten.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Path to the file to split sourceFilePath String The path to the file that should be split. - Yes
Target Directory targetDirectory String The path to the target folder where the new files should be created. - Yes
Split Mode splitMode String The split mode to use. The available options are as follows:
  • ChunkSize
  • Linecount
  • XPATH Expression
- Yes
Chunk Size chunkSize Number If the Split Mode is 'Chunk Size', specify the chunk size (in bytes) into which the file should be split. - -
Line Count lineCount Number If the Split Mode is 'Line Count', specify the number of lines by which the original file should be split. - -
XPATH Expression xpathExpression Number If the Split Mode is 'XPATH Expression', specify the expression by which the file should be split. Only applies when splitting XML files. Chunk Size Yes

Sample configuration

<file.splitFile configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.




On Error

   <detail>Parameter 'xpathExpression' is not provided</detail>

Lists all the files (that match the specified pattern) in the directory path.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Directory Path directoryPath String The path to the directory from which files should be listed. - Yes
Matching Pattern matchingPattern String The file pattern that should be used to select files for listing. - No
List Files in Sub Directories recursive Boolean List files from sub directories recursively. false No
File Sort Attribute sortingAttribute String Files will get sorted and listed according to one of the follow: Name, Size, LastModifiedTime. Name No
Sort Order sortingOrder String The sorting order applicable to the File Sort attribute.
Possible Values: Ascending, Descending.
Ascending No
Response Format responseFormat String Format to list the files in response. Possible Values: Hierarchical, Flat. Hierarchical No
Max Retries maxRetries Integer The maximum number of retries to be done in case of a failure. 0 No
Retry Interval
retryDelay Integer The time interval between retries in milliseconds. 0 No

Sample configuration

<file.listFiles configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.



   <directory name="test">
       <directory name="aa"/>
       <directory name="hasitha">

Explore the contents of a ZIP file in a specific location.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Zip File Path zipFilePath String The path to the ZIP file that should be explored. - Yes

Sample configuration

<file.exploreZipFile configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.




On Error

   <detail>Zip file not found at path file:///Users/hasitha/temp/file-connector-test/wso2/test/</detail>

Merge the contents of multiple files in a folder to a single file.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Source Directory Path sourceDirectoryPath String The path to the source folder containing the files that should be merged. - Yes
Target File Path targetFilePath String Path to the folder that holds the merged file. - Yes
File Pattern filePattern String The pattern that should be used for selecting the source files that should be merged.
Example: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*.(txt|xml|jar).
- No
Write Mode writeMode String If the file already exists, this parameter will determine whether the existing file should be overwritten or appended during the merge.
Possible values are Ovewrite or Append.
Overwrite Yes

Sample configuration

<file.mergeFiles configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.





On Error

   <detail>Directory not found: file:///Users/hasitha/temp/file-connector-test/wso2/toMergesnsdfb</detail>

Writes content to a specified file.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
File Path filePath String The path to the file that should be written (include file name and extension). - Yes
Content/Expression contentOrExpression String Static content or expression to evaluate content. The content will be fetched from the body ("$Body") of the incoming message. Yes
MIME Type mimeType String The MIME type that will be applied in order to format the outgoing message.

Possible values: "Automatic","text/plain", "application/xml", "application/binary", "application/json", "text/xml".

If you don't want to change the MIME type of the message that has been mediated before this operation, use the default "Automatic" value. If the value is set to "application/binary", a binary file will get created with base-64 decoded content.
Automatic Yes
Write Mode writeMode String If the file already exists, this parameter will determine whether the existing file should be overwritten or appended. You can also specify if a new file should be created.
Possible values: Ovewrite, Append, Create New.
Overwrite Yes
Append New Line appendNewLine Boolean Specifies whether a new line should be added to the end of the file after the content is written. false Yes
Encoding encoding String Applied only when some static content or evaluated content is written.
Possible Values: US-ASCII, UTF-8, or UTF-16.
UTF-8 No
Compress compress Boolean Specifies whether the content should be compressed after the content is written. Only available when the Write Mode is ‘Create New ‘or ‘OverWrite’. false No
Enable Streaming enableStreaming Boolean Write file using the stream set to the message context. false No
Enable Locking enableLock Boolean Specifies whether or not to lock the file during file write.

Note: If the connector is processing a file named 'xyz.xml', a file called 'xyz.xml.lock' is created to represent the lock (with the CREATE_NEW mode). Once the file connector operation is completed, the file is deleted. When you create the lock, you can set an expiry time as well. If the connector operation fails to create the file because it already exists, that means that another process is working on it. Then connector operation will fail and the application will have to retry. Information such as the servername and PID is written to the lock file, which may be important for debugging.
false No
Add Result To includeResultTo String Specify where to add the result after writing the file.
  • Message Body: The result will be added to the message property.
  • Message Property: The payload that was in the message body before applying the file write operation will remain intact.
Message Body No
Property Name resultPropertyName String If the Add Result To attribute is set to "Message Property", specify a property name. The result of the file write operation will be added as a default scope property by the specified name. This property can be accessed later in the message flow. - Yes (If Add Result To is "Message Property")
Update Last Modified Timestamp. updateLastModified Boolean Specify whether to update the last modified timestamp of the file. This is available from version 4.0.4.
true No
Max Retries maxRetries Integer The maximum number of retries to be done in case of a failure. 0 No
Retry Interval
retryDelay Integer The time interval between retries in milliseconds. 0 No

Sample configuration

<file.write configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.





   <detail>Target file already exists. Path = file:///Users/hasitha/temp/file-connector-test/copy/kandy/hasitha.txt</detail>

Read the content of files in a given folder to a base64 encoded files stream list. Available in file-connector v4.0.22 and above.

Parameter Name Element Type Description Default Value Required
File Connection name String The name of the file connection configuration to use. - Yes
Directory Path directoryPath String The path to the directory to list files. - Yes
Matching Pattern matchingPattern String Pattern to match when listing files. All Files No
Recursive recursive Boolean Whether to list files in sub-directories. false No
File Sort Attribute sortingAttribute String Sort files when listing. Name Yes
Sort Order sortingOrder String File sorting order. Ascending No
Property Name resultPropertyName String Name of property to add the list of base64 encoded files operation result. - Yes

Sample configuration

<file.fetchDirectoryContent configKey="CONNECTION_NAME">

Sample request

Following is a sample REST/JSON request that can be handled by the append operation.
