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About Mediators

Mediators are individual processing units that perform a specific actions on messages that pass through the Micro Integrator. The mediator takes the message received by the REST API or proxy service, carries out predefined actions on it (such as transforming, enriching, filtering), and outputs the modified message.

For example, the Clone mediator splits a message into several clones, the Call mediator calls a backend endpoint with the message, and the Aggregate mediator collects and merges the responses and the Respond mediator sends the message back to the client.

Classification of mediators

Mediators are classified as follows based on whether they access the message's content:

Classification Description
Content-aware mediators These mediators always access the message content when mediating messages.
Content-unaware mediators These mediators never access the message content when mediating messages.
Conditionally content-aware mediators These mediators could be either content-aware or content-unaware depending on their usage in the configuration. For example, a simple Log mediator configured as <log/> is content-unaware. However, a log mediator configured as <log level="full"/> would be content-aware since it is expected to log the message payload.


When at least one content-aware mediator is added to the mediation sequence, the message payload needs to be fully built and accessible in memory. This is necessary because the mediator needs to examine or modify the message's content and hence incurs a performance overhead.

List of mediators

WSO2 Micro Integrator includes a comprehensive catalog of mediators that provide functionality for implementing widely used Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs). You can also easily write a custom mediator to provide additional functionality using various technologies such as Java and scripting.

Category Mediator Content aware/unaware
Generic mediators Call mediator Conditionally content-aware
Property mediator Conditionally content-aware
Log mediator Conditionally content-aware
Respond mediator Content-unaware
Sequence mediator Content-unaware
Call Template mediator Content-unaware
Drop mediator Content-unaware
Property Group mediator Conditionally content-aware
Cache mediator Content-aware
Throttle mediator Content-unaware
Store mediator Content-aware
Flow control mediators Filter mediator Conditionally content-aware
Switch mediator Conditionally content-aware
Clone mediator Content-aware
Iterate mediator Content-aware
ForEach mediator Content-aware
Aggregate mediator Content-aware
Validate mediator Content-aware
Transformation mediators Enrich mediator Content-aware
Header mediator Conditionally content-aware
XSLT mediator Content-aware
JSON Transform mediator Content-aware
Fault mediator Content-aware
PayloadFactory mediator Content-aware
Data Mapper mediator Content-aware
Extension mediators Script mediator Content-aware
Class mediator Content-aware
Security mediators Oauth mediator Content-unaware
Entitlement mediator Content-aware
NTLM mediator Content-unaware
Database mediators Data Service Call mediator Content-aware
DBLookup mediator Content-aware
DB Report mediator Content-aware
Other mediators Send mediator Content-unaware
Callout mediator Content-aware
Smooks mediator Content-aware
Transaction mediator Content-aware
Builder mediator Content-aware
Loopback mediator Content-unaware
FastXSLT mediator Content-unaware
URLRewrite mediator Content-aware
XQuery mediator Content-aware
EJB mediator Content-aware