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How to Validate Data Input

Validators are added to individual input mappings in a query. Input validation allows data services to validate the input parameters in a request and stop the execution of the request if the input doesn’t meet the required criteria. WSO2 Micro Integrator provides a set of built-in validators for some of the most common use cases. It also provides an extension mechanism to write custom validators.


Let's create a MySQL database with the required data.

  1. Install the MySQL server.
  2. Create a database named EmployeeDatabse .

    CREATE DATABASE EmployeeDatabase;
  3. Create the Employee table inside the Employees database:

    USE EmployeeDatabase;
    CREATE TABLE Employees (EmployeeNumber int(11) NOT NULL, FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL, LastName varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, Email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, Salary varchar(255));

Synapse configuration

Given below is the data service configuration you need to build. See the instructions on how to build and run this example.

<data name="input_validator_sample" transports="http https local">
   <config enableOData="false" id="Datasource">
      <property name="driverClassName">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
      <property name="url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/EmployeeDatabase</property>
      <property name="username">root</property>
      <property name="password">password</property>
   <query id="addEmployeeQuery" useConfig="Datasource">
      <sql>insert into Employees (EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Email, Salary) values(:EmployeeNumber,:FirstName,:LastName,:Email,:Salary)</sql>
      <param name="EmployeeNumber" sqlType="STRING"/>
      <param name="FirstName" sqlType="STRING">
            <validateLength maximum="10" minimum="3"/>
      <param name="LastName" sqlType="STRING"/>
      <param name="Email" sqlType="STRING"/>
      <param name="Salary" sqlType="STRING"/>

   <operation name="addEmployeeOp">
      <call-query href="addEmployeeQuery">
         <with-param name="EmployeeNumber" query-param="EmployeeNumber"/>
         <with-param name="FirstName" query-param="FirstName"/>
         <with-param name="LastName" query-param="LastName"/>
         <with-param name="Email" query-param="Email"/>
         <with-param name="Salary" query-param="Salary"/>

Build and run

Create the artifacts:

  1. Launch Visual Studio Code with the Micro Integrator for VS Code extension (MI for VS Code) installed.


    Follow the Install Micro Integrator for VS Code documentation for a complete installation guide.

  2. Create an integration project.

  3. Create the data service with the configurations given above.

  4. Download the JDBC driver for MySQL from here.

  5. Switch to the EXPLORER view in VS Code and copy the downloaded driver to the <PROJECT_NAME>/deployment/lib/ directory in the project structure.


    If the driver class does not exist in the relevant folders when you create the datasource, you will get an exception such as Unable to load class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.

  6. Deploy the artifacts in your Micro Integrator.

Let's send a request with invalid and valid data to the data service:

  1. Download and Install SoapUI to run this SOAP service.
  2. Create a new SOAP project in SoapUI by using the following WSDL file:


  3. Update the addEmployeeOp operation (under input_validator_sample.SOAP12Binding) with the request body as shown below:

        <dat:Email>[email protected]</dat:Email>
  4. Invoke the addEmployeeOp operation. A validation error is thrown as the response because the addEmployeeOp operation has failed. This is because the FirstName only has 2 characters.

  5. Now, change the FirstName value in the request as shown below and invoke the operation again.

        <dat:Email>[email protected]</dat:Email>
    The employee details are added to the database table.