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Customize Task Scheduling

When you create a task using the default task implementation, the task can inject messages to a proxy service, or to a sequence. If you have a specific task-handling requirement, you can write your own task-handling implementation by creating a custom Java Class that implements the org.apache.synapse.startup.Task interface.

For example, the below sections demonstrate how you can create and schedule a task to receive stock quotes by invoking a back-end service, which exposes stock quotes. The scheduled task will read stock order information from a text file, and print the stock quotes.

Create the custom Task implementation

Follow the steps below to create the implementation of the custom Task.

Create the Maven project

Create a Maven project using the following information.
Group Id : org.wso2.task
Artifact Id : StockQuoteTaskMavenProject

Create the Java Package

Create a Java Package inside the Maven Project using the following name: org.wso2.task.stockquote.v1

Create the Java Class

  1. Create a Java Class named StockQuoteTaskV1 inside the Maven Project.

  2. In the Project Explorer, double-click on the file and replace its source with the below content.

    package org.wso2.task.stockquote.v1;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
    import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    import org.apache.synapse.ManagedLifecycle;
    import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;
    import org.apache.synapse.SynapseException;
    import org.apache.synapse.core.SynapseEnvironment;
    import org.apache.synapse.mediators.base.SequenceMediator;
    import org.apache.synapse.startup.Task;
    import org.apache.synapse.util.PayloadHelper;
    public class StockQuoteTaskV1 implements Task, ManagedLifecycle {
    private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StockQuoteTaskV1.class);
    private String sequenceName;
        private String stockFile;
        private String injectTo;
        private SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment;
        public void execute() {
            log.debug("PlaceStockOrderTask begin");
            if (synapseEnvironment == null) {
                log.error("Synapse Environment not set");
            if (injectTo == null) {
                log.error("to not set");
            if (sequenceName == null || sequenceName.isEmpty()) {
                log.error("Sequence name not specified");
            File existFile = new File(stockFile);
            if (!existFile.exists()) {
                log.debug("waiting for stock file");
            SequenceMediator seq = (SequenceMediator) synapseEnvironment.getSynapseConfiguration().
            if (seq != null) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("injecting message to sequence : " + sequenceName);
                try {
                    // file format IBM,100,120.50
                    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(stockFile));
                    String line;
                    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                        line = line.trim();
                        if (line.isEmpty()) {
                        String[] split = line.split(",");
                        String symbol = split[0];
                        String quantity = split[1];
                        String price = split[2];
                        MessageContext mc = synapseEnvironment.createMessageContext();
                        mc.setTo(new EndpointReference("http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService"));
                        mc.setProperty("OUT_ONLY", "true");
                        OMElement placeOrderRequest = createPlaceOrderRequest(symbol, quantity, price);
                        PayloadHelper.setXMLPayload(mc, placeOrderRequest);
                        synapseEnvironment.injectAsync(mc, seq);
              "placed order symbol:" + symbol + " quantity:" + quantity + " price:" + price);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new SynapseException("error reading file", e);
            // Copy the existing file to the same directory and rename it with timestamp appended to the file name
            File newFile = new File(stockFile.replace(".txt", "") + "." + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".txt");
            try {
                Files.copy(existFile.toPath(), newFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                log.error("Error while copying the file", e);
                throw new SynapseException("Error while copying the file", e);
            log.debug("PlaceStockOrderTask end");
        public static OMElement createPlaceOrderRequest(String symbol, String qty, String purchPrice) {
            OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
            OMNamespace ns = factory.createOMNamespace("http://services.samples/xsd", "m0");
            OMElement placeOrder = factory.createOMElement("placeOrder", ns);
            OMElement order = factory.createOMElement("order", ns);
            OMElement price = factory.createOMElement("price", ns);
            OMElement quantity = factory.createOMElement("quantity", ns);
            OMElement symb = factory.createOMElement("symbol", ns);
            return placeOrder;
        public void destroy() {}
        public void init(SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment) {
            this.synapseEnvironment = synapseEnvironment;
        public SynapseEnvironment getSynapseEnvironment() {
            return synapseEnvironment;
        public void setSynapseEnvironment(SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment) {
            this.synapseEnvironment = synapseEnvironment;
        public void setSequenceName(String sequenceName) {
            this.sequenceName = sequenceName;
        public void setInjectTo(String injectTo) {
            this.injectTo = injectTo;
        public String getStockFile() {
            return stockFile;
        public void setStockFile(String stockFile) {
            this.stockFile = stockFile;
  3. In the Project Explorer, double-click on the pom.xml file and replace its source with the below content.

    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
                <name>WSO2 internal Repository</name>

Write the custom Task

Step 1: Write the Task Class

You can create a custom task class, which implements the org.apache.synapse.startup.Task interface as follows. This interface has a single execute() method, which contains the code that will be executed according to the defined schedule.

The execute() method contains the following actions:

  1. Check whether the file exists at the desired location.
  2. If it does, then read the file line by line composing place order messages for each line in the text file.
  3. Individual messages are then injected into the Synapse environment, targeting the specified sequence as defined by the InjectTo property in the task configuration.
  4. Set each message as OUT_ONLY since it is not expected any response for messages.

In addition to the execute() method, it is also possible to make the class implement a JavaBean interface.

Also, add the following dependency to the POM file of the custom task project: Apache Synapse - Core (groupId: org.apache.synapse, artifactId: synapse-core).

This is a bean implementing three properties: StockFile, InjectTo and Sequence. These are used to configure the task.

Implementing ManagedLifecycle for Initialization and Clean-up

Since a task implements ManagedLifecyle interface, the Micro Integrator will call the init() method at the initialization of a Task object and destroy() method when a Task object is destroyed:

public interface ManagedLifecycle {
    public void init(SynapseEnvironment se);
    public void destroy();

The PlaceStockOrderTask stores the Synapse environment object reference in an instance variable for later use with the init() method. The SynapseEnvironment is needed for injecting messages into the ESB.

Step 2: Customize the Task

It is possible to pass values to a task at runtime using property elements. In this example, the location of the stock order file and its address was given using two properties within the Task object:

  • String type
  • OMElement type


For OMElement type, it is possible to pass XML elements as values in the configuration file.

When creating a Task object, the ESB will initialize the properties with the given values in the configuration file.

public String getStockFile() {
    return stockFile;
public void setStockFile(String stockFile) {
    this.stockFile = stockFile;

For example, the following properties in the Task class are initialized with the given values within the property element of the task in the configuration.

<syn:property xmlns="" name="stockFile" value="/path/to/stock.txt"/>

For those properties given as XML elements, properties need to be defined within the Task class using the format given below. OMElement comes from Apache AXIOM, which is used by the Micro Integrator. AXIOM is an object model similar to DOM. To learn more about AXIOM, see the tutorial in the AXIOM user guide.

public void setMessage(OMElement elem) {
    message = elem;

It can be initialized with an XML element as follows:

<property name="message">
    <m0:getQuote xmlns:m0="http://services.samples/xsd">

Deploy the custom Task implementation

To deploy the custom Task implementation, you need to copy the JAR file of the Maven project to the <MI_HOME>/lib directory. Or else you can copy the JAR file to the deployment/lib directory of your project.

Create the Task

Follow the steps below to create the task and schedule it.

  1. Create an Integration project named PrintStockQuote.
  2. Create an address endpoint named SimpleStockQuoteServiceEndpoint with the URI http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService.
  3. Create a Sequence named PrintStockQuoteSequence.
  4. Add a Call Mediator by selecting the SimpleStockQuoteServiceEndpoint as the endpoint.
  5. Add a Log Mediator with the log level set to full and provide , as the log separator. The graphical view of the sequence is as follows:

    The below is the complete source configuration of the Sequence (i.e., the PrintStockQuoteSequence.xml file):

  6. Create a Scheduled Task using the following information:

    Task Property Description
    Task Name PrintStockQuoteScheduledTask
    Count 1
    Interval (in seconds) 5
    Message inject destination sequence
    Sequence name PrintStockQuoteSequence
    Task Group synapse.simple.quartzcode>
    Task Implementation org.wso2.task.stockquote.v1.StockQuoteTaskV1
    StockFile The directory path to the stockfile.txt file.

  7. Defining the properties of the Task: Open the source view of the PrintStockQuoteScheduledTask artifact and replace its source with the below content.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <task class="org.wso2.task.stockquote.v1.StockQuoteTaskV1" group="synapse.simple.quartz" name="PrintStockQuoteScheduledTask" xmlns="">
        <trigger count="3" interval="5"/>
        <property xmlns:task="" name="stockFile" value="/Users/gabilan/json_data/stockfile.txt"/>
        <property xmlns:task="" name="injectTo" value="sequence"/>
        <property xmlns:task="" name="sequenceName" value="PrintStockQuoteSequence"/>
    The task properties will change according to the custom implementation. Therefore, you need to enter values for your custom properties. This sets the below properties.

    Parameter Name Value
    The directory path to the stockfile.txt file.
    Do not enter a value. This will be used during runtime.


    Currently, you cannot set properties of a custom task using the Design View due to a known issue, which will be fixed in future versions.

The below is the complete source configuration of this project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sequence name="PrintStockQuoteSequence" trace="disable" xmlns="">
        <endpoint key="SimpleStockQuoteServiceEndpoint"/>
    <log category="INFO" level="full" separator=","/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<endpoint name="SimpleStockQuoteServiceEndpoint" xmlns="">
    <address uri="http://localhost:9000/soap/SimpleStockQuoteService"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<task class="org.wso2.task.stockquote.v1.StockQuoteTaskV1" group="synapse.simple.quartz" name="PrintStockQuoteScheduledTask" xmlns="">
    <trigger count="3" interval="5"/>
    <property xmlns:task="" name="stockFile" value="/path/to/stockfile.txt"/>
    <property xmlns:task="" name="injectTo" value="sequence"/>
    <property xmlns:task="" name="sequenceName" value="PrintStockQuoteSequence"/>

Deploy the Task

In order to deploy and run the project, refer the build and run guide.

Test the Custom Task

Start the back-end service

  1. Download the back-end service.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Open a terminal, navigate to the axis2Server/bin/ directory inside the extracted folder.
  4. Execute the following command to start the axis2server with the SimpleStockQuote back-end service:


Create the text file

Create a text file named stockfile.txt with the following content and save it to a preferred location on your machine. This will include the information to be read by the scheduled task to pass to the backend service.




Each line in the text file contains details for a stock order: - symbol - quantity - price

A task that is scheduled using this custom implementation will read the text file, a line at a time, and create orders using the given values to be sent to the back-end service. The text file will then be tagged as processed to include a system time stamp. The task will be scheduled to run every 5 seconds for a total of 3 times as per the configuration.

View the output

You will view the stock quotes sent by the backend service printed every 5 seconds by the scheduled task in the below format.

INFO - StockQuoteTask placed order symbol:IBM quantity:100 price:120.50