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Snowflake Connector Reference

The following operations allow you to work with the Snowflake Connector. Click an operation name to see parameter details.

Snowflake connector configuration

Connection configuration

In the 'Properties' section of each operation, users can configure connection-related information. Once the configuration is created, it can be re-used in other operations.

Parameter Name Description Required
Connection Name Name of the configuration. Yes
Account Identifier The unique which identifies the Snowflake account. Yes
Username Snowflake Account Username. Yes
Password Snowflake Account password. Yes
keepAlive Indicates whether to create a new connection after a period of inactivity in the session. Accepted values: true: Snowflake keeps the session active indefinitely as long as the connection is active, even if there is no activity, false: A new connection is created again after four hours of inactivity. The default value is false No



The snowflake.query operation queries the given SQL statement.

Parameter Name Description Required
Snowflake configuration The Snowflake configuration name. Yes
Sql Query SQL query to execute Yes


The snowflake.execute operation execute the given SQL statement. This operation can be used to perform DDL and DML Operations.

Parameter Name Description Required
Snowflake configuration The Snowflake configuration name. Yes
Execute Query The SQL Query to execute Yes
Payload Payload to be used in the execute query. No


The snowflake.batchExecute operation performs a batch of SQL statements.

Parameter Name Description Required
Snowflake configuration The Snowflake configuration name. Yes
Execute Query SQL Query to execute Yes
Bulk Payload Bulk payload to be used in the query Yes