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DB Event Inbound Endpoint Reference

The following configurations allow you to configure DB Event Inbound Endpoint for your scenario.

Parameter Description Required Possible Values Default Value
sequential Whether the messages should be polled and injected sequentially. Yes true , false TRUE
driverName The class name of the database driver. Yes com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -
url The JDBC URL of the database. Yes jdbc:mysql://<HOST>/<DATABASE_NAME> -
username The user name to connect to the database. Yes - -
password The password to connect to the database. Required if you have set a password for the database. - -
tableName The name of the table to capture changes to records. Yes - -
filteringCriteria The criteria to poll the database for record changes. Possible criteria are as follows:
  • byLastUpdatedTimestampColumn: Specify this to poll the database for a record that has changed since the last modified timestamp.
  • byBooleanColumn: Specify this to poll the database for record changes according to a column where it contains the boolean (true or false) value. By default, values are set to true. Each polling cycle takes only the records with the value true and updates it as false after polling. Note: When you create this database table column, you have to specify the data type as varchar instead of boolean data type.
  • deleteAfterPoll: Specify this if you want to delete records after polling.
  • Yes - -
    filteringColumnName The actual name of the column that captures changes.
  • If filteringCriteria is `byLastUpdatedTimestampColumn`, this needs to be a column of type `Timestamp` and should be updated with the record.
  • If filteringCriteria is `byBooleanColumn` this needs to be a column of type `Varchar`.
  • Required if the value of the filteringCriteria parameter is specified as byLastUpdatedTimestampColumn or byBooleanColumn - -
    primaryKey The primary key column name. Yes ID -
    connectionValidationQuery The query to check the availability of the connection. No SELECT 1 SELECT 1
    registryPath The registry path of the timestamp. This is used to retrieve records when the value of the filteringCriteria parameter is specified as byLastUpdatedTimestampColumn. No - Name of the Inbound Endpo

    Rollback the events

    Once processing of an event fails, it will trigger a specified fault sequence. It is possible to specify the following property in such a situation.

    <property name="SET_DB_ROLLBACK_ONLY" value="true"/>
    Once this property is set to true, DB event listener will not do any updates to the database. That is, it will not delete the row associated with the event or it will not update the boolean value being monitored. Also, it will not consider that event as received by the endpoint. Upon the next DB event poll, the same event will be triggered again. You can build a re-try mechanism upon mediation failures using this feature.