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Deploy the Micro Integrator on Kubernetes using Helm resources

Follow the instructions below to deploy the Micro Integrator on Kubernetes (K8s) using Helm resources.

Before you begin

Step 1 - Get the Helm resources

Check out the Helm resources for the WSO2 Micro Integrator Git repository.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the location where you want to save the local copy.
  2. Clone the Micro Integrator Git repository with Helm resources:

    git clone

This creates a local copy of the wso2/helm-mi repository, which includes all the Helm resources for WSO2 Micro Integrator.

Let's refer to the root folder of the local copy as <HELM_HOME>.

Step 2 - Update the deployment configurations

Follow the steps below to configure your Micro Integrator deployment.

  1. Open the values.yaml file in the <HELM_HOME>/mi folder of your local copy.

  2. Use the following guidelines to update the deployment configurations:

    • Update the WSO2 subscription details

      You can update the username and password in the following section. If you don't have an active WSO2 subscription, leave these parameters empty.

              username: "<username>"
              password: "<password>"

      Alternatively, you can skip this step and pass your subscription details during deployment (see the next step for details).

    • Update the Micro Integrator Docker images

      By default, the values.yaml file uses the base Micro Integrator image (which does not include any integrations) to set up the deployment.

      containerRegistry: ""
                  repository: "wso2mi"
                  tag: "4.3.0"

      If you have a custom Docker image with integrations, update the containerRegistry parameter and provide the details of your custom image.

      containerRegistry: "<docker_registry>"
                  repository: "<custom_mi_repository>"
                  tag: "<custom_image_tag>"
    • You can update other configurations as needed.

  3. Save the values.yaml file.

Step 3 - Deploy the Micro Integrator

Once you have configured your Helm resources locally, follow the instructions below to deploy the Micro Integrator.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <HELM_HOME>/mi folder.
  2. Run the command appropriate for your Helm version.


    Be sure to replace NAMESPACE with the Kubernetes namespace where your resources are deployed.

    • Using Helm v3:

      helm install <RELEASE_NAME> ./ -f values.yaml -n <NAMESPACE> --create-namespace


For a pre-configured, easy setup for local deployment, use the values_local.yaml file.

Update configurations during deployment

If needed, you can set deployment configurations at the time of deployment instead of specifying them in the values.yaml file. See the examples below.

  • Set the subscription username and password:

    --set wso2.subscription.username=<SUBSCRIPTION_USERNAME>
    --set wso2.subscription.password=<SUBSCRIPTION_PASSWORD>
  • Set the custom Micro Integrator Docker image:

    --set containerRegistry=<CUSTOM_IMAGE_REGISTRY>
    --set wso2.deployment.image.repository=<CUSTOM_IMAGE_REPOSITORY>
    --set wso2.deployment.image.tag=<CUSTOM_IMAGE_TAG>
  • Use the following parameter only if your custom Docker image is stored in a private Docker registry:

    --set wso2.deployment.imagePullSecrets=<IMAGE_PULL_SECRET>

Your Micro Integrator Kubernetes deployment should now be created.

Step 4 - Access the Micro Integrator deployment

To access the Micro Integrator deployment, follow these steps from your terminal:

  1. Get the external IP (EXTERNAL-IP) of the Ingress resources by listing the Kubernetes ingresses.

    kubectl get ing -n <NAMESPACE>


    NAME            CLASS   HOSTS         ADDRESS        PORTS     AGE
    cloud-<RELEASE_NAME>   nginx   <EXTERNAL-IP>   80, 443   27m
  2. Add the above host information to your /etc/hosts file:

  3. Execute the following command to invoke health check services:

    curl -k

Deploy the Micro Integrator with an integration

To deploy the Micro Integrator with an integration (For example, HelloDocker sample), follow the instructions below. This section assumes you have already built a custom Docker image containing your integration, as outlined in the HelloDocker sample guide and the guide for generating Docker images.

Step 1 - Build and push your custom Docker image

  1. Build the Docker image containing your integration (For example, HelloDocker) as per the HelloDocker sample guide.

  2. Once built, tag and push the image to a Docker registry or make it available locally for use in your Kubernetes cluster.

    • If you are using a local registry, no need to push the image to a remote repository.

Step 2 - Update the values.yaml file for deployment

  1. Open the values.yaml or values_local.yaml file in the <HELM_HOME>/mi directory.

  2. Update the image repository and tag to point to the custom image you built (in this case, hellodocker as the repository and 1.0.0 as the tag). If you are using a local image, remove the containerRegistry entry.

    # -- Container registry (leave this empty for local image)
    containerRegistry: ""
          repository: "hellodocker"  # Use your custom image repository
          tag: "1.0.0"  # Use the tag of your custom image
  3. If you are using a private Docker registry, you will also need to add the imagePullSecrets parameter to your values.yaml file to authenticate against the registry. Set imagePullSecrets to the name of the Kubernetes secret that stores your Docker registry credentials.

        imagePullSecrets: "<your_image_pull_secret>"  # Specify your image pull secret here
  4. Save the changes to the values.yaml file.

This configuration ensures that Kubernetes pulls the custom Docker image from your private registry using the specified credentials.

Step 3 - Deploy the Micro Integrator with the custom integration

For a local deployment, use the values_local.yaml file, which is specifically configured for local setups without cloud-specific configurations.

  1. Navigate to the <HELM_HOME>/mi directory in your terminal.
  2. Run the Helm command using the values_local.yaml file for local deployment. Use the appropriate command based on your Helm version:

    • For Helm v3:
    helm install <RELEASE_NAME> ./ -f values_local.yaml -n <NAMESPACE> --create-namespace

    Make sure to specify the correct Kubernetes namespace (<NAMESPACE>) for the deployment.

  3. Test the custom integration by running the following curl command:

    curl -k

    You should receive the following response:

    {"Hello": "World"}