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Sharepoint Connector Reference

The following operations allow you to work with the Microsoft Graph APIs related to Sharepoint. Click an operation name to see parameter details and samples on how to use it.

Initialize the connector

To use the Sharepoint connector, first create the connection with your configuration. When calling a Sharepoint operation, ensure the connection is referenced using the configKey attribute.


The init operation initializes the connection to Microsoft Graph API.

Parameter name Description Required
name Unique name to identify the connection. Yes
base The service root URL. The default value is Yes
clientId Client ID of the registered application. Yes
clientSecret Client secret of the registered application. Yes
tenant Your Azure AD tenant ID or domain name. No

Sample configuration




The createFolder operation creates a new folder within the specified parent folder in SharePoint. The newly created folder is returned upon successful execution.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the site. Type: string Yes
parentItemId The ID of the parent folder. Use 'root' for the root directory. Type: string Yes
name The name of the folder to be created. Type: string Yes
folder Empty object to indicate this item is a folder. Type: string Yes
MicrosoftGraphConflictBehavior Specifies how to handle naming conflicts when creating files or folders. Accepts 'fail' (default), 'replace', or 'rename'. Type: string No

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.createFolder configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "site_id": "site123",
    "parent_id": "root",
    "folder_name": "New Folder",
    "MicrosoftGraphConflictBehavior": "fail"

The uploadFile operation uploads a new file to the specified folder within a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the newly uploaded file will be available at the target location.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the file will be uploaded. Type: string Yes
parentItemId The ID of the parent folder where the file will be uploaded. Use 'root' for the root directory. Type: string Yes
fileName The name of the file to be uploaded. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.uploadFile configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "parentItemId": "root",
    "fileName": "NewDocument.docx"

The createGroup operation creates a new Microsoft 365 Group, which provisions a connected SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the newly created group details are returned.

Parameter name Description Required
description A brief description of the group, outlining its purpose and intended use. Type: string Yes
displayName The display name of the group, visible in Microsoft 365 applications and directories. Type: string Yes
groupTypes An array specifying the types of the group. For Microsoft 365 groups, set this to ['Unified']. Type: string[] Yes
mailEnabled Indicates whether the group is mail-enabled. Set to true to enable email functionalities for the group. Type: string Yes
mailNickname The mail alias for the group, used in its email address. This must be unique within the organization. Type: string Yes
securityEnabled Determines whether the group is a security group. For Microsoft 365 groups, set this to false. Type: string Yes
visibility Defines the visibility of the group. Acceptable values are 'Private' or 'Public'. Type: string No

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.createGroup configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "description": "Team collaboration for Project Alpha",
    "displayName": "Project Alpha Team",
    "groupTypes": ["Unified"],
    "mailEnabled": "true",
    "mailNickname": "projectalpha",
    "securityEnabled": "false",
    "visibility": "Private"

The createList operation creates a new list within the specified SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the newly created list details are returned.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the site. Type: string Yes
properties Specifies the name and the properties of the new list. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.createList configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listProperties": {
        "displayName": "Books through MI",
        "columns": [
                "name": "BookAuthor",
                "text": {}
                "name": "PageCount",
                "number": {}
        "list": {
            "template": "genericList"

The createListItem operation creates a new item within the specified SharePoint list. Upon successful execution, the newly created list item details are returned.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier of the list where the item will be created. Type: string Yes
fields The object containing the data for the new list item. Type: object Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.createListItem configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "list456",
    "fields": {
        "BookAuthor": "Ross Geller",
        "PageCount": 567

The deleteDriveItem operation deletes the specified file or folder within a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the item is removed from the site.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the item resides. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the item (file or folder) to be deleted. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.deleteDriveItem configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "itemId": "item789"

The deleteList operation deletes the specified list within a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the targeted list is removed from the site.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier of the list to be deleted. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.deleteList configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "list456"

The deleteListItem operation deletes the specified item within a SharePoint list. Upon successful execution, the targeted list item is permanently removed from the list.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier of the list containing the item to be deleted. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the item (file or folder) to be deleted. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.deleteListItem configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "list456",
    "itemId": "5"

The getDriveItemById operation retrieves metadata about the specified file or folder within a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, detailed information about the drive item is returned.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the item resides. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the item (file or folder) whose metadata is to be retrieved. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getDriveItemById configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "itemId": "item789"

The getFolderChildren operation retrieves all items within the specified folder in a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, a list of child items (files and subfolders) along with their metadata is returned.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the folder resides. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the folder whose children are to be retrieved. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getFolderChildren configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "itemId": "folder456"

The getGroupSite operation retrieves the root SharePoint site associated with the specified Microsoft 365 Group. Upon successful execution, detailed information about the group's SharePoint site is returned.

Parameter name Description Required
groupId The unique identifier of the Microsoft 365 Group. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getGroupSite configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "groupId": "group123"

The getListById operation retrieves detailed information about a specific SharePoint list using its unique identifier (GUID). Upon successful execution, the operation returns metadata and properties of the specified list.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier (GUID) of the list to be retrieved. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getListById configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

The getListItemById operation retrieves detailed information about a specific item within a SharePoint list using its unique identifier (ID). Upon successful execution, the operation returns metadata and properties of the specified list item.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier (GUID) of the list containing the item to be retrieved. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the item (file or folder) to be retrieved. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getListItemById configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "itemId": "item789"

The getListItems operation retrieves all items within the specified SharePoint list. Upon successful execution, a collection of list items along with their metadata is returned.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier (GUID) of the list from which items are to be retrieved. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getListItems configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

The getLists operation retrieves all lists within the specified SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, a collection of lists along with their metadata is returned.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the lists are located. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getLists configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123"

The getRootChildren operation retrieves all items in the root directory of the drive within the specified SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, a collection of child items (files and folders) along with their metadata is returned.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the root drive is located. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.getRootChildren configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123"

The updateFileContent operation updates the content of the specified file within a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the file's content is updated with the provided data.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the item resides. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the item (file or folder) to be updated. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.updateFileContent configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "itemId": "file456"

The updateFolder operation updates the properties of the specified folder within a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the folder's properties are updated with the provided data.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the folder resides. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the folder to be updated. Type: string Yes
name The new name for the folder. Type: string Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.updateFolder configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "itemId": "folder456",
    "name": "New Folder Name"

The updateList operation updates the properties of the specified SharePoint list. Upon successful execution, the list's properties are updated with the provided data.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier (GUID) of the list to be updated. Type: string Yes
displayName The new display name you wish to assign to the list. Type: string No
description The new description text for the list. Type: string No

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.updateList configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "displayName": "Updated List Name",
    "description": "This is the updated description for the list."

The updateListItemFields operation updates the fields of the specified list item within a SharePoint site. Upon successful execution, the item's properties are updated with the provided data.

Parameter name Description Required
siteId The unique identifier of the SharePoint site where the list resides. Type: string Yes
listId The unique identifier (GUID) of the list containing the item to be updated. Type: string Yes
itemId The unique identifier of the item (file or folder) to be updated. Type: string Yes
properties Specifies the properties of the item to be updated. Type: object Yes

Sample configuration

<sharepoint.updateListItemFields configKey="SHAREPOINT_CONN">

Sample request

    "siteId": "site123",
    "listId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "itemId": "3",
    "properties": {
        "BookAuthor": "Chandler Bing",
        "PageCount": 2456

The connector may encounter errors during operation execution. When an error occurs, the ERROR_MESSAGE property will contain detailed information about the error. You can handle these errors using a Fault Sequence in your integration. For more information, see Using Fault Sequences.

Error code Description
701001 General error.
701002 Invalid configuration error.
701003 Error in access token generation flow.