Data Service Call Mediator¶
The Data Service Call Mediator is used to invoke data service operations. It automatically creates a payload and sets up the necessary headers to invoke the data service. Also, it improves the performance by directly calling the data service (without HTTP transport).
- You need to first have a Data Service Project to use the Data Service Call mediator.
- The Data Service Call mediator is a content-aware mediator.
<dataServiceCall serviceName="data-service-name">
<source [type="inline" | "body"]/>
<operations [type="single" | "batch" | "request-box"] >
<operation name="operation-name">
<param name="param-name" value="param-value"/>
<target [type="body" | "property"] name="target-property-name"/>
The Source Configuration properties of the Data Service Call Mediator are as follows:
Parameter Name | Description |
Type | The type defines the source for the payload that is required for the data service call. By default, the source type is set to ‘body’. The available values are as follows:
The Operation Configurations for the Data Source Call mediator are as follows:
Parameter Name | Description |
name | Defines the name of the operation that is to be invoked |
Params Configuration | The possible values for this parameter are as follows:
The Target Configuration properties of the Data Service Call mediator are as follows:
Parameter Name | Description |
Type | By setting the target type, the response payload of the data service call can be stored in the body or a property. By default, the target type is set to ‘body’. The available values are as follows:
Name | Specifies the property name.
You can define dynamic property names when the target type is defined as a property:
Use the following datasource to try out the Data Service Call mediator. Create a new data service configuration and then copy the following content to define the DSSCallMediatorTest
data service:
Sample data service to invoke using the Data Service Call mediator
<data disableLegacyBoxcarringMode="true" enableBatchRequests="true" enableBoxcarring="true" name="DSSCallMediatorTest" transports="http https local">
<config enableOData="false" id="01">
<property name="driverClassName">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/employeeDB</property>
<property name="username">root</property>
<property name="password">root</property>
<query id="getEmployeeByNumberQuery" useConfig="01">
<sql>select EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Email, Salary from Employees where EmployeeNumber=:EmployeeNumber</sql>
<result element="Entries" rowName="Entry">
<element column="EmployeeNumber" name="EmployeeNumber" xsdType="string"/>
<element column="FirstName" name="FirstName" xsdType="string"/>
<element column="LastName" name="LastName" xsdType="string"/>
<element column="Email" name="Email" xsdType="string"/>
<element column="Salary" name="Salary" xsdType="string"/>
<param name="EmployeeNumber" sqlType="STRING"/>
<query id="addEmployeeQuery" useConfig="01">
<sql>insert into Employees (EmployeeNumber, FirstName, LastName, Email, Salary) values(:EmployeeNumber,:FirstName,:LastName,:Email,:Salary)</sql>
<param name="EmployeeNumber" sqlType="STRING"/>
<param name="FirstName" sqlType="STRING"/>
<param name="LastName" sqlType="STRING"/>
<param name="Email" sqlType="STRING"/>
<param name="Salary" sqlType="STRING"/>
<operation name="addEmployee" returnRequestStatus="true">
<call-query href="addEmployeeQuery">
<with-param name="EmployeeNumber" query-param="EmployeeNumber"/>
<with-param name="FirstName" query-param="FirstName"/>
<with-param name="LastName" query-param="LastName"/>
<with-param name="Email" query-param="Email"/>
<with-param name="Salary" query-param="Salary"/>
<operation name="getEmployeeByNumber">
<call-query href="getEmployeeByNumberQuery">
<with-param name="EmployeeNumber" query-param="EmployeeNumber"/>
<resource method="GET" path="Employee/{EmployeeNumber}">
<call-query href="getEmployeeByNumberQuery">
<with-param name="EmployeeNumber" query-param="EmployeeNumber"/>
<resource method="POST" path="/Employee">
<call-query href="addEmployeeQuery">
<with-param name="EmployeeNumber" query-param="EmployeeNumber"/>
<with-param name="FirstName" query-param="FirstName"/>
<with-param name="LastName" query-param="LastName"/>
<with-param name="Email" query-param="Email"/>
<with-param name="Salary" query-param="Salary"/>
Example 1: Inline single request operation¶
In this example, an inline single request is configured and sent to the DSSCallMediatorTest
Synapse Configuration
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="http https"
<dataServiceCall serviceName="DSSCallMediatorTest">
<source type="inline"/>
<operations type="single">
<operation name="addEmployee">
<param name="employeeNumber" value="111"/>
<param name="firstname" value="Peter"/>
<param name="lastName" value="Parker"/>
<param name="email" value="[email protected]"/>
<param name="salary" value="1000"/>
<target type="body"/>
Sample Request
Invoke the dssCallMediatorInlineSingleRequestProxy
proxy service:
<axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS xmlns:axis2ns3="">SUCCESSFUL</axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS>
Example 2: Inline batch request operation¶
In this example, an inline batch request is configured and sent to the DSSCallMediatorTest
Synapse Configuration
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="http https"
<dataServiceCall serviceName="DSSCallMediatorTest">
<source type="inline"/>
<operations type="batch">
<operation name="addEmployee">
<param name="employeeNumber" value="222"/>
<param name="firstname" value="John"/>
<param name="lastName" value="Doe"/>
<param name="email" value="[email protected]"/>
<param name="salary" value="2000"/>
<operation name="addEmployee">
<param name="employeeNumber" value="333"/>
<param name="firstname" value="Joel"/>
<param name="lastName" value="Miller"/>
<param name="email" value="[email protected]"/>
<param name="salary" value="3000"/>
<target type="body"/>
Sample Request
Invoke the dssCallMediatorInlineBatchRequestProxy
proxy service:
<axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS xmlns:axis2ns3="">SUCCESSFUL</axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS>
Example 3: Inline request box operation¶
In this example, an inline batch request is configured and sent to the DSSCallMediatorTest
Synapse Configuration
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="http https"
<dataServiceCall serviceName="DSSCallMediatorTest">
<source type="inline"/>
<operations type="request-box">
<operation name="addEmployee">
<param name="employeeNumber" value="444"/>
<param name="firstname" value="Ellie"/>
<param name="lastName" value="Dina"/>
<param name="email" value="[email protected]"/>
<param name="salary" value="4000"/>
<operation name="getEmployeeByNumber">
<param name="employeeNumber" value="444"/>
<target type="body"/>
Sample Request
Invoke the dssCallMediatorInlineRequestBoxProxy
proxy service:
<axis2ns4:DATA_SERVICE_REQUEST_BOX_RESPONSE xmlns:axis2ns4=""><Entries xmlns=""><Entry><EmployeeNumber>444</EmployeeNumber><FirstName>Ellie</FirstName><LastName>Dina</LastName><Email>[email protected]</Email><Salary>4000</Salary></Entry></Entries></axis2ns4:DATA_SERVICE_REQUEST_BOX_RESPONSE>
Example 4: Single request operation when the source type is set to body¶
In this example, an inline single request is configured and sent to the DSSCallMediatorTest
Synapse Configuration
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="http https"
<dataServiceCall serviceName="DSSCallMediatorTest">
<source type="body"/>
<target type="body"/>
Sample Request
Invoke the dssCallMediatorSourceTypeBodyProxy
proxy service with the given payload:
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS xmlns:axis2ns3="">SUCCESSFUL</axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS>
Example 5: Batch request operation when source type is set to body¶
In this example, an inline batch request is configured and sent to the DSSCallMediatorTest
Synapse Configuration
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="http https"
<dataServiceCall serviceName="DSSCallMediatorTest">
<source type="body"/>
<target type="body"/>
Sample Request
Invoke the dssCallMediatorSourceTypeBodyProxy
proxy service with the given payload.
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS xmlns:axis2ns3="">SUCCESSFUL</axis2ns3:REQUEST_STATUS>
Example 6: Request box operation when source type is set to body¶
In this example, an inline request box request is configured and sent to the DSSCallMediatorTest
Synapse Configuration
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="http https"
<dataServiceCall serviceName="DSSCallMediatorTest">
<source type="body"/>
<target type="body"/>
Sample Request
Invoke the dssCallMediatorSourceTypeBodyProxy
proxy service with the given payload.
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<axis2ns1:DATA_SERVICE_REQUEST_BOX_RESPONSE xmlns:axis2ns1="">
<Entries xmlns="">
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
Example 7: Inline single request operation when the target type is set to the property¶
In this example, an inline single request is configured and sent to the DSSCallMediatorTest
service and gets the response to a property.
Synapse Configuration
<proxy xmlns=""
transports="http https"
<dataServiceCall serviceName="DSSCallMediatorSample">
<source type="inline"/>
<operations type="single">
<operation name="addEmployee">
<param name="employeeNumber" value="111"/>
<param name="firstname" value="Peter"/>
<param name="lastName" value="Parker"/>
<param name="email" value="[email protected]"/>
<param name="salary" value="1000"/>
<target type="property" name="responseValue"/>
<log level="custom">
<property name="responseValue" expression="$ctx:responseValue"/>
Sample Request
Invoke the testDSSResposeTarget
proxy service with the given payload.
The following log will appear in the server console:
INFO {LogMediator} - {proxy:test} reponseValue = SUCCESSFUL