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BigQuery Connector Reference

The following operations allow you to work with the BigQuery Connector. Click an operation name to see parameter details and samples on how to use it.

Initialize the connector

To use the BigQuery connector, add the or element in your configuration before carrying out any other BigQuery operations.

The BigQuery API requires all requests to be authenticated as a user or a service account. For more information, see Introduction to authentication documentation. See Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications documentation for information on service account authentication. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.


The init operation is used to initialize the connection to BigQuery.

Sample configuration


Parameter Name Description Required
apiUrl The base endpoint URL of the BigQuery API. Yes
accessToken The OAuth token for the BigQuery API. Yes
clientId The client ID for the BigQuery API. Yes
clientSecret The client secret for the BigQuery API. Yes
refreshToken The refresh token for the BigQuery API. Yes
registryPath The registry path to save the access token. Yes
fields List of fields to be returned in the response. Yes
callback The name of the JavaScript callback function that handles the response. Used in JavaScript JSON-P requests. Yes
apiKey The API key. Required unless you provide an OAuth 2.0 token. Yes
prettyPrint Returns the response with indentations and line breaks. If the property is true, the response is returned in a human-readable format. Yes
quotaUser Alternative to userIp. Lets you enforce per-user quotas from a server-side application even in cases where the user's IP address is unknown. Yes
userIp IP address of the end user for whom the API call is being made. Lets you enforce per-user quotas when calling the API from a server-side application. Yes
ifMatch Etag value to use for returning a page of list values if the values have not changed. Yes
ifNoneMatch Etag value to use for returning a page of list values if the values have changed. Yes

Alternatively, you can use the following operation (getAccessTokenFromServiceAccount) to get the access token and to do all the other operations.


Parameter Name Description Required
apiUrl The base endpoint URL of the BigQuery API. Yes
keyStoreLocation The location where the p12 key file is located. Yes
serviceAccount The value of the service account. Yes
scope The space delimited scope to access the API. Yes
accessTokenRegistryPath The registry path to store the access token (this is an optional parameter). Yes

You can also use the below operation (getAccessTokenFromAuthorizationCode) to get the access token and to do all the other operations.


Parameter Name Description Required
apiUrl The base endpoint URL of the BigQuery API. Yes
authorizationCode The authorization code to be used for obtaining the access token. Yes
redirectUrl The redirect URL to be used in the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow. Yes
clientSecret The space delimited scope to access the API. Yes
clientId The registry path to store the access token (this is an optional parameter). Yes
registryPath The registry path to store the access token (this is an optional parameter). Yes

You can also use the below operation (getAccessTokenFromRefreshToken) to get the access token and to do all the other operations.


Parameter Name Description Required
apiUrl The base endpoint URL of the BigQuery API. Yes
clientSecret The space delimited scope to access the API. Yes
clientId The registry path to store the access token (this is an optional parameter). Yes
refreshToken The refresh token for the BigQuery API. Yes

Sample request

    "apiUrl": "",
    "clientId": "",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM"



The getDataset operation retrieves a dataset. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
projectId The ID of the project to which the dataset belongs. Yes.
datasetId The ID of the dataset. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "accessToken": "ya29.BwKYx40Dith1DFQBDjZOHNqhcxmKs9zbkjAWQa1q8mdMFndp2-q8ifG66fwprOigRwKSNw",
    "apiUrl": "",
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "registryPath": "connectors/bq",
    "projectId": "publicdata",
    "datasetId": "samples",
    "fields": "id",
    "callback": "callBackFunction",
    "apiKey": "154987fd5h4x6gh4",
    "prettyPrint": "true",
    "quotaUser": "1hx46f5g4h5ghx6h41x54gh6f4hx",
    "userIp": "",

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#dataset",
    "etag": "1xuEK5ngZZ+fj0iioOa6Og==",
    "id": "testbig-235116:testData",
    "selfLink": "",
    "datasetReference": {
        "datasetId": "testData",
        "projectId": "testbig-235116"
    "defaultTableExpirationMs": "5184000000",
    "access": [
            "role": "WRITER",
            "specialGroup": "projectWriters"
            "role": "OWNER",
            "specialGroup": "projectOwners"
            "role": "OWNER",
            "userByEmail": "[email protected]"
            "role": "READER",
            "specialGroup": "projectReaders"
    "creationTime": "1553104741840",
    "lastModifiedTime": "1553104741840",
    "location": "US",
    "defaultPartitionExpirationMs": "5184000000"

The listDatasets operation lists a set of data. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
projectId The ID of the project to which the dataset belongs. Yes.
maxResults The maximum number of results per page. Yes.
pageToken The page token value. Yes.
isAll A boolean value that determines whether to list all datasets, including hidden ones. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "accessToken": "ya29.BwKYx40Dith1DFQBDjZOHNqhcxmKs9zbkjAWQa1q8mdMFndp2-q8ifG66fwprOigRwKSNw",
    "apiUrl": "",
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "registryPath": "connectors/bq",
    "projectId": "publicdata",
    "maxResults": "1",
    "pageToken": "1",
    "isAll": "true",
    "fields": "datasets/datasetReference",
    "callback": "callBackFunction",
    "apiKey": "154987fd5h4x6gh4",
    "prettyPrint": "true",
    "quotaUser": "1hx46f5g4h5ghx6h41x54gh6f4hx",
    "userIp": "",

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#datasetList",
    "etag": "5xsXo/uZ5RUfG49EzOV9Gg==",
    "datasets": [
            "kind": "bigquery#dataset",
            "id": "testbig-235116:testData",
            "datasetReference": {
                "datasetId": "testData",
                "projectId": "testbig-235116"
            "location": "US"



The runQuery operation runs an SQL query (BigQuery) and returns results if the query completes within a specified timeout. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
useQueryCache Specifies whether to look for the result in the query cache. The default value is true. Yes.
timeoutMs Specifies how long (in milliseconds) the system should wait for the query to complete before expiring and returning the request. Yes.
query A query string (required) that complies with the BigQuery query syntax. Yes.
dryRun If set to true, BigQuery does not run the job. Instead, if the query is valid, BigQuery returns statistics about the job. If the query is invalid, an error returns. The default value is false. Yes.
defaultProjectId The ID of the project that contains this dataset. Yes.
defaultDatasetId A unique ID (required) for this dataset without the project name. The ID must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), or underscores (_). The maximum length is 1,024 characters. Yes.
projectId The ID of the project that is billed for the query. Yes.
maxResults The maximum number of rows of data (results) to return per page. Responses are also limited to 10 MB. By default, there is no maximum row count and only the byte limit applies. Yes.
kind The resource type of the request. Yes.
useLegacySql Specifies whether to use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect for this query. The default value is true. If set to false, the query will use BigQuery's standard SQL. For information on BigQuery's standard SQL, see Migrating to GoogleSQL. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "registryPath": "connectors/bq",
    "query":"SELECT count(*) FROM [publicdata:samples.github_nested]",

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#queryResponse",
    "schema": {
        "fields": [
                "name": "Name",
                "type": "STRING",
                "mode": "NULLABLE"
                "name": "Age",
                "type": "INTEGER",
                "mode": "NULLABLE"
    "jobReference": {
        "projectId": "testbig-235116",
        "jobId": "job_GECobzPaLdbBW-SqIG-WrfOzaqtQ",
        "location": "US"
    "totalRows": "2",
    "rows": [
            "f": [
                    "v": "John"
                    "v": "45"
            "f": [
                    "v": "Harry"
                    "v": "25"
    "totalBytesProcessed": "670",
    "jobComplete": true,
    "cacheHit": false



The listProjects operation retrieves all projects. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
maxResults The maximum number of results per page. Yes.
pageToken The page token value. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "accessToken" : "ya29.BwKYx40Dith1DFQBDjZOHNqhcxmKs9zbkjAWQa1q8mdMFndp2-q8ifG66fwprOigRwKSNw",
    "apiUrl" : "",
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "registryPath": "connectors/bq",
    "maxResults" : "1",
    "pageToken" : "1",
    "fields": "id",
    "callback": "callBackFunction",
    "apiKey": "154987fd5h4x6gh4",
    "prettyPrint": "true",
    "quotaUser": "1hx46f5g4h5ghx6h41x54gh6f4hx",
    "userIp": "",

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#projectList",
    "etag": "jdhx8JpxmSC6iJhWFNchpw==",
    "projects": [
            "kind": "bigquery#project",
            "id": "ascendant-lore-235117",
            "numericId": "719690246975",
            "projectReference": {
                "projectId": "ascendant-lore-235117"
            "friendlyName": "My First Project"
            "kind": "bigquery#project",
            "id": "true-kite-235118",
            "numericId": "911077124704",
            "projectReference": {
                "projectId": "true-kite-235118"
            "friendlyName": "My First Project"
    "totalItems": 2

Table Data


The listTabledata operation retrieves table data from a specified set of rows. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
datasetId The maximum number of results per page. Yes.
projectId The ID of the project to which the dataset belongs. Yes.
tableId The ID of the table. Yes.
maxResults The maximum results per page. Yes.
pageToken The page token value. Yes.
startIndex Zero-based index of the starting row. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "accessToken": "ya29.BwKYx40Dith1DFQBDjZOHNqhcxmKs9zbkjAWQa1q8mdMFndp2-q8ifG66fwprOigRwKSNw",
    "apiUrl": "",
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "registryPath": "connectors/bq",
    "projectId": "publicdata",
    "datasetId": "samples",
    "tableId": "github_nested",
    "maxResults": "1",
    "pageToken": "1",
    "startIndex": "1",
    "fields": "id",
    "callback": "callBackFunction",
    "apiKey": "154987fd5h4x6gh4",
    "prettyPrint": "true",
    "quotaUser": "1hx46f5g4h5ghx6h41x54gh6f4hx",
    "userIp": "",

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#tableDataList",
    "etag": "RRRjVfSIc2CcCrEaLPH6Dg==",
    "totalRows": "2",
    "rows": [
            "f": [
                    "v": "John"
                    "v": null
            "f": [
                    "v": "Harry"
                    "v": "90"

The insertAllTableData operation retrieves table data from a specified set of rows. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
datasetId The maximum number of results per page. Yes.
projectId The ID of the project to which the dataset belongs. Yes.
tableId The ID of the table. Yes.
skipInvalidRows A boolean value to check whether the row should be validated. Yes.
ignoreUnknownValues A boolean value to validate whether the values match the table schema. Yes.
templateSuffix Instance table. Yes.
jsonPay A JSON object that contains a row of data. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "keyStoreLocation":"/home/hariprasath/Desktop/bigQuery/p12/Non Production-232c0d8ac8f2.p12",
    "datasetId": "zSta",
    "tableId": "ECOMM",
    "projectId": "dataservices",
    "kind": "bigquery#tableDataInsertAllRequest",
    "skipInvalidRows": true,
    "ignoreUnknownValues": true,
            "insertId": "xxxxx",
                    "BQ_INSERT_TIMESTAMP":"2016-02-26 20:12:01"      

Following is a sample request that inserts multiple records.

    "keyStoreLocation":"/home/hariprasath/Desktop/bigQuery/p12/Non Production-232c0d8ac8f2.p12",
    "datasetId": "zSta",
    "tableId": "Sample",
    "projectId": "dataservices",
    "kind": "bigquery#tableDataInsertAllRequest",
    "skipInvalidRows": true,
    "ignoreUnknownValues": true,

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#tableDataInsertAllResponse"



The getTable operation retrieves a table by ID. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
tableId The ID of the table. Yes.
datasetId The dataset ID of the requested table. Yes.
projectId The project ID of the requested table. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "accessToken": "ya29.BwKYx40Dith1DFQBDjZOHNqhcxmKs9zbkjAWQa1q8mdMFndp2-q8ifG66fwprOigRwKSNw",
    "apiUrl": "",
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "registryPath": "connectors/bq",
    "projectId": "publicdata",
    "datasetId": "samples",
    "tableId": "github_nested",
    "maxResults": "1",
    "pageToken": "1",
    "startIndex": "1",
    "fields": "id",
    "callback": "callBackFunction",
    "apiKey": "154987fd5h4x6gh4",
    "prettyPrint": "true",
    "quotaUser": "1hx46f5g4h5ghx6h41x54gh6f4hx",
    "userIp": "",

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#tableList",
    "etag": "ASMRI9cY0t0ilhpaFI4OMA==",
    "tables": [
            "kind": "bigquery#table",
            "id": "testbig-235116:testData.github_nested_copy",
            "tableReference": {
                "projectId": "testbig-235116",
                "datasetId": "testData",
                "tableId": "github_nested_copy"
            "type": "TABLE",
            "creationTime": "1553104818977",
            "expirationTime": "1558288818977"
            "kind": "bigquery#table",
            "id": "testbig-235116:testData.sample_20190322",
            "tableReference": {
                "projectId": "testbig-235116",
                "datasetId": "testData",
                "tableId": "sample_20190322"
            "type": "TABLE",
            "creationTime": "1553239767833",
            "expirationTime": "1558423767833"
    "totalItems": 2

The listTables operation retrieves all available tables in the specified dataset. For more information, see related BigQuery documentation.

Parameter Name Description Required
datasetId The dataset ID of the tables that should be listed. Yes.
pageToken The page token (which is returned by a previous call) for requesting the next page of results. Yes.
projectId The project ID of the tables that should be listed. Yes.
maxResults The maximum number of results to return. Yes.

Sample configurations


Sample request

    "accessToken": "ya29.BwKYx40Dith1DFQBDjZOHNqhcxmKs9zbkjAWQa1q8mdMFndp2-q8ifG66fwprOigRwKSNw",
    "apiUrl": "",
    "clientId": "",
    "clientSecret": "ChlbHI_T7zssXXTRYuqj_-TM",
    "refreshToken": "1/uWful-diQNAdk-alDUa6ixxxxxxxx-LpJIikEQ2sqA",
    "registryPath": "connectors/bq",
    "projectId": "publicdata",
    "datasetId": "samples",
    "tableId": "github_nested",
    "maxResults": "1",
    "pageToken": "1",
    "startIndex": "1",
    "fields": "id",
    "callback": "callBackFunction",
    "apiKey": "154987fd5h4x6gh4",
    "prettyPrint": "true",
    "quotaUser": "1hx46f5g4h5ghx6h41x54gh6f4hx",
    "userIp": "",

Sample response

    "kind": "bigquery#tableList",
    "etag": "ASMRI9cY0t0ilhpaFI4OMA==",
    "tables": [
            "kind": "bigquery#table",
            "id": "testbig-235116:testData.github_nested_copy",
            "tableReference": {
                "projectId": "testbig-235116",
                "datasetId": "testData",
                "tableId": "github_nested_copy"
            "type": "TABLE",
            "creationTime": "1553104818977",
            "expirationTime": "1558288818977"
            "kind": "bigquery#table",
            "id": "testbig-235116:testData.sample_20190322",
            "tableReference": {
                "projectId": "testbig-235116",
                "datasetId": "testData",
                "tableId": "sample_20190322"
            "type": "TABLE",
            "creationTime": "1553239767833",
            "expirationTime": "1558423767833"
    "totalItems": 2