SaaS and B2B Integration¶
Connectors are a means of interacting with various SaaS applications on the cloud, databases, and popular B2B protocols. See Connectors Overview for more information.
The following are documented connectors available from the connector store. Click the link of the connector to view the documentation for each connector.
For details on connectors not mentioned in this documentation, you can find more information in WSO2 ESB Connectors documentation or in the GitHub repository of the connector you are looking for.
SaaS Connectors¶
Connector | Description |
Amazon DynamoDB | Amazon DynamoDB Connector allows you to access the Amazon DynamoDB REST API. |
Amazon Lambda | The AmazonLambda Connector allows you to access the REST API of Amazon Web Service Lambda (AWS Lambda), which lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. |
Amazon S3 | The AmazonS3 Connector allows you to access the REST API of Amazon Storage Service S3, which lets you store your information and retrieve them when needed. |
Amazon SQS | This connector enables you to perform CRUD operations for queues in Amazon SQS instance, update permissions, and work with messages through the Amazon SQS API. |
Ceridian Dayforce | The Ceridian Dayforce connector allows you to access the REST API of Ceridian Dayforce HCM. |
Gmail | The Gail Connector allows you to integrate with the Gmail REST API. |
Google Firebase | Google Firebase Connector is useful for integrating Google Firebase with other enterprise applications, on-premise or cloud using the Google Firebase API. |
Google Spreadsheet | The WSO2 Google Spreadsheet Connector allows you to access the Google Spreadsheet API Version v4. |
Microsoft Azure Storage | The Microsoft Azure Storage Connector allows you to access the Azure Storage services using Microsoft Azure Storage Java SDK. |
Salesforce REST | The connector uses the Salesforce REST API to interact with Salesforce. |
Salesforce REST | The Salesforce streaming Inbound Endpoint allows you to perform various operations on Salesforce streaming data via the integration server of WSO2. The Salesforce streaming API receives notifications based on the changes that happen to Salesforce data with respect to an SQQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) query you define, in a secured and scalable way. |
ServiceNow | Using ServiceNow connector you can work with Aggregate API, Import Set API and Table API in ServiceNow. |
Technology Connectors¶
Connector | Description |
DB Event Listener | DB Event Inbound Endpoint is the DB event listener. You can configure it with any popular Database systems such as `MySQL` and `Oracle`. |
FHIR | This connector uses the HAPI FHIR APIs to connect with a Test Server, which is an open source server licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0 (Java-based implementation of the FHIR specification). |
File | The File Connector uses the Apache Commons VFS I/O functionalities to execute operations related to the file system and allows you to easily manipulate files based on your requirement. |
ISO8583 | The ISO8583 message format is used for financial transactions such as ATM, POS, Credit Card, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, KIOSK, e-commerce, etc. |
ISO8583 Inbound Endpoint | The ISO8583 inbound endpoint is a listening inbound endpoint that can consume ISO8583 standard messages. |
Kafka Producer | This connector enables you to send messages to a Kafka broker via Kafka topics. This uses the Producer API. |
Kafka Inbound Endpoint | The Kafka inbound endpoint in the integration server acts as a message consumer. It creates a connection to ZooKeeper and requests messages for either a topic/s or topic filters. |
LDAP | The LDAP connector allows you to connect to any LDAP server through a simple web services interface and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on LDAP entries. |
SMPP | SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol) Connector allows you to send an SMS through the integration runtime. It uses the jsmpp API to communicate with an SMSC (Short Message Service Center). |